Mel's Healing Pilgrimage 2016

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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Camino 2016 06/02 - Siesta

I find siesta so healthy. Rather than plow through the day without regard to injury during the hottest times, you take a break, rest, and save yourself up. Then as it starts to cool, you finish up and have a more relaxed, productive, and fun day. The folks who siesta really seem to make the most of being social after they're done working. And why not? They've more energy to connect and be connected. 

I took a rest day in Burgos so that I could give me feet a chance to heal. And staying at a hotel was helpful because I finally had a bathtub where I could soak my blistered feet. A visit to the pharmacist to grab some Vaseline and antibiotic cream should now make this safer walk.

I did take a tour of the cathedral again. It's just marvelous. Definitely my favorite Gothic building in Spain. I also visited the free Burgos military history museum. It's small and has a collection of items that highlight the strategic importance of this city in days of old. After a light pincho lunch, I rested and slept. I ventured out to Rosario, mass, dinner, and went straight to bed. Now I'm up super early, writing a blog, and getting ready to see if I can walk 21km on these tender feet before the rain comes.

So no surprising insights today. I did run into Gies (the Dutch man from the other day who survived an almost fatal infection and is now walking in gratitude) at the Cathedral. But I needed some solitude to rest.

That rest, that siesta for my Camino, was my gentle insight. Siesta IS healing. I took a break at this hottest time for my own sake and turned down the activities. At this lower volume, I can ponder how the wind has been blowing through me for the past 3 weeks away.  

I close with a prayer I found during last night's rosary service. I translated it to English (I hope correctly) and will walk today in humility knowing that I may need  to ask for physical help, just as I need others for spiritual help.

Supplications to Holy Mary.

I have a thousand difficulties, help me.
From enemies of the soul, save me.
When I err, enlighten me.
In my doubts and griefs, comfort me.
In my solitude, come with me.
When despised, encourage me.
In temptation, defend me. 
In the difficult hours, comfort me. 
With your maternal heart, love me.
With your immense power, protect me.
And in your arms at the hour of my death, receive me.

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